Dhampur Sugar Mills was the first company in India to manufacture sulphurless refined Sugar. Dhampur has a crushing capacity of 45500 metric tonnes of cane . Dhampur has a crushing capacity of 45,500 metric tonnes of cane per day. Dhampur has a capacity to produce 1700 MT per day of refined sugar. Dhampur’s refined sugar is also sold in one and five kilogram consumer packs under the brand ‘Dhampure Sulphurless Sugar’. Dhampur Sugar Mills was the first company in India to manufacture . sulphurless refined Sugar. Dhampur’s has the ablility to produce refined sugar both during the season wherein the sugar from the sugarcane is first used to manufacture raw sugar and subsequently refined to produce refined sulphurless sugar and in off-season when coupled with cogeneration Dhampur can use raw sugar procured from outside to produce refined sugar. Dhampur’s has the ablility to produce refined sugar both during the season wherein the sugar from the sugarcane is first used to manufacture raw sugar and subsequently refined to produce refined sulphurless sugar and in off-season when coupled with cogeneration Dhampur can use raw sugar procured from outside to produce.
Dhampur Sugar Mills was established in 1933, and began it’s operations in a small town called Dhampur located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India , with a sugar mill having a crushing capacity of 300 tonnes of cane per day.
Expire Date-3-6MONTH
Buy Price –350-340
Profit Target-440
Stop Loss-300
Call Duration-DELEVERY
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